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Who are Python Developer? (11th Mar 23 at 11:46am UTC)
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Though there are many jobs in tech that use Python extensively — including Software Engineer, Web Developer, Data Scientist, and Business Analyst — a dedicated Python Developer will be expected to understand the language at a higher level and be capable of using Python to accomplish any number of tasks, including but not limited to data collection and analytics, database creation, web development, and design, scripting, and automation.
A Python Developer often works in close collaboration with data collection and analytics to create useful answers to questions and provide valuable insight.
Python is being used in web development, machine learning, AI, scientific computing, and academic research. Its popularity can be credited with the growing data science community embracing artificial intelligence and machine learning. Industries like education, healthcare, and finance are using machine-learning applications to innovate their organizations.
Python is also widely used by companies including Netflix, Google, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram, and more. Specifically, Spotify uses Python within its back-end services, capturing user data to provide accurate recommendations and playlists. Dropbox, meanwhile, uses Python scripts to create its native applications on each platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, etc.)
Python Classes in Pune
Python Course in Pune
Python Training in Pune
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